Expeditionary Energy


Interoperable Micro Power Source

Problem Statement: The Department of Defense (DoD) has historically engaged in operations far from United States territories, necessitating expansive logistics tails and substantial power generation equipment to operate effectively. In the near future, the DoD likely will continue to operate in distant and disbursed locals and face increased threats and obstacles to the logistical supply line unencountered in the previous half-century. Simultaneously, energy requirements for vehicle-born or supported combat systems, such as air defense, directed energy, unmanned aerial systems defense, advanced, Command, Control, Communications, Computers (C4) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) (C4ISR, etc.) are only increasing.

Solution: Interoperable/Multipurpose Soldier Worn “Smart” Battery with High Power Output Capability.

Technical Specifications: 

  • Lightweight, portable, M4 magazine-sized, rechargeable battery pack: size 33 mm x 78 mm x 210 mm; weight 850 g.
  • Composed of 8 x 21700 Li-ion cells in a 4S2P configuration. USB Type-C charging compatibility for modern electronic devices. Complete U.S.-based manufacturing.
  • 14.4 V nominal voltage, 144 Wh.
  • 40 A (576 W) continuous output*; 65 A (936 W) < 10 Sec.; 90 A (1296 W) < 3 sec, *connector limited (Note: can be increased with options connector)
  • Cell discharge current capability: 120 A 
  • Life expectancy: 1400 cycles
  • Discharge: -40℃ to 60℃ (cell specs, heater off) 
  • Onboard cell heater for optimal low temp performance for sub-freezing charging and discharging
  • Onboard self-discharging for storage and transportation 
  • Onboard 5 A (84 W) charger, external fast charging capable up to 50A
  • Wide-range 3.6 V to 26 V charger input (multi-source scavenging capability)
  • BMS with SMBus V1.1 compatible interface
  • Onboard MPPT controller for solar charging
  • Unlimited daisy-chaining capability for higher power outputs with self balancing and mass charging. Ideal diode on output for simple paralleling and hot swapping in battery banks

“I’d love to see a small, streamlined device that doesn’t require me to spend excessive time with a lot of external cables trying to get it to work, capable to charge, and be charged, in multiple ways for individual small-item charging to collectively (daisy-chain) powering larger equipment like a radio and in an emergency with enough amperage to jump a vehicle or capable of running a power strip as a backup energy source for a computer and CFSC kit.”
Testimonial of SFC Ben Heaberlin (Special Force – Communications Expert (18E)

Enhancement Statement: Current military rechargeable batteries on the market lack the capability to output high power (>150W) due to pin type connectors that limit low current capability (~5A) and overall power output. Our patented technology houses all the requisite capabilities onboard, including charger, discharger, voltage sensing, solar charger (MPPT), and cell heater, enabling extreme environment operations (Arctic), while reducing overall Soldier load.  The IMPS can provide universal capability, eliminating the need for multiple power sources to meet current and future operational requirements (C4ISR). Our patented technology is battery chemistry agnostic, therefore enabling future “smart” battery applications with our technology. Finally, the IMPS is manufactured in the USA, is NDAA compliant, and components are sourced in North America mitigating the reliance on long logistical trails.

Commerical or Government Source(s): NDAA Compliant; North American Sourced COTS (all components, including cells)

Additional Information: Our IMPS is an identified operational need provided to us by U.S. Special Operations Forces. 

These identified and realized capabilities will greatly enhance not only U.S. Special Operations Forces’ operational requirements but also the U.S. Military, Allies, and Partners’ alike. 

Off the Grid Living

Expeditionary Energy was asked to design a new Outdoor Ministry Center (OMC) for Saint John Lutheran Church. The project consists of an 80 seat picnic area under cover along with 2 garages with separate doors. One garage would house the churches maintenance equipment. The other garage would allow the church’s chartered boy scout troop to store their camping trailer and gear.

Outdoor Ministry Center with solar panel roof

Because of the location chosen on the property, the church would need to tear up their parking lot and add a few poles to bring electric and communication lines to the building. The municipality requires a fire alarm system, and the church wanted a security system.

Expeditionary Energy designed a solution using off grid technologies that will achieve all the requirements of the project without tearing up the parking lot, loosing parking spaces and still meet all the municipality’s requirements. Utilizing a roof mounted solar array and energy storage system, the OMC will have all the power it needs to conduct its services. It will also rent out the shelter for events such as graduation parties, receptions fund raisers and even scout meetings. The fire, smoke and security system will be connected by a cellular solution.

  • Micro Cabins
  • Vehicle Charging: Green car charged by green power
  • Pole Mounted Lights
  • Comfort Stations

Covered Parking Lots

Covered parking lots are environmental friendly  with a smaller carbon footprint than solar fields installed over farmland and meadows. 

Designed properly they  mitigate water run off, extend the life of the asphalt, protect vehicles from snow, rain, birds and dust. 

Structures can be adapted to cover sidewalks protecting pedestrians from sun and rain and creating a pathway for lighting and power conduits.

Portable EV Charger

Custom designed inverter allowing for quick charge. Units come with battery packs in the legs that allow for night time charging. 

Uses include: residential, construction sites, commercial parking lots and text stops along roadways.